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Teenage Quester with red hair

About Songbirds

Before likes, shares, comments, and posts, you must first complete the quest. is a quest-based social platform that asks you to complete quests before you can connect with others. Quests are about finding something. Perhaps that something is a new discovery, or it's an invitation to reconnect with your community, its institutions, and values. Whatever a quest may be, they are created by others in your community who believe there is something good and worth finding.

How It Works:

  • Download the mobile app on the App Store or GooglePlay.
  • Use the mobile app to travel out into the real-world and find birds and complete the quest!
  • Once a bird is found, only then can the posts, the likes and the shares begin.

Why Quests

Our screens have led us to a place of disconnection and atomization, and we are adrift from our communities, clubs, and institutions that once bound us and provided a common ground. Quests are journeys in the real world that give you a shared experience with others who have completed the same quest and with the maker of the quest, who we call a Blazer. Blazers are all around us, and we need them now more than ever to guide and mentor us towards discovery and connections with each other and the things in our communities that matter.

The power of quests lies in the idea that embarking on a journey, even if it at first is not understood, can lead to personal growth and shifts in perspective. Quests work because we are all human and time is our one common currency of commitment. Time can't be bought, botted, spoofed, or faked. And unlike the multitudes of easily obtained 'thumbs up', 'hearts' and 'likes', time is precious.

When you give your time, you are giving a part of yourself and that can't be undone or unliked or unfriended. When you devote your time to travel, everything becomes real, the dopamine hit you will feel is the real thing and you can trust that what you feel is not algorithmically manipulated but genuine and only yours.

And because it is all real, that connection is real too and from it is the potential for many other real and good things that cannot be predicted.

Teenage Quester with red hair


Quests are about finding birds. A bird is earned by going somewhere, sometimes with conditions, out in the real world.

Yet a bird has a deeper purpose. It's a digital token that says 'I did this' and it gives you access to that quest's social feed. This makes it an earned conversation, which means that you have a place, and you have earned the right to be there.

Birds are earned not given. Think about how much different this is from the current social media experience, where we consume content that manipulates, content that is all about looks and plays the 'I'm having more fun than you are game'. Content that all too often leaves us comparing, feeling outside, and seeking validation from people we don't really know.